Thursday, April 26, 2007

Jack Thompson is at it again!

Ugh. This seems to be "People I Hate Most Making The News" week. In addition to Kutaragi, Jack Thompson has just filed a lawsuit against gaming news site Kotaku. If you don't know jack about Jack, you're lucky. If you're a really, REALLY brave person, and you actually WANT to see the hideous things this man does, this should speak for itself.

Playstation Creator Ken Kutaragi Resigns

Yes, it's finally happened; Ken Kutaragi, the "Father of Playstation", has finally "retired". And all I have to say is GOOD RIDDANCE! You may come to find that I am not a very big fan of Sony; I loved the PS1 and PS2, and had high PS3 and PSP hopes, but they were shattered by the corporation's terrible handling of both these systems. It's interesting, however, that he resigned on the dawn of the release of Spiderman 3, a sure-fire Sony cash cow. Could there be something more that we don't know about? Guess we'll have to see how it pans out!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Who needs an Ipod when you can have... a Chipod?

I'm sure many of you have heard of the infamous Chipods, or Chinese "MP4" players, as they are dubbed. When they first started popping up a few years ago, they were of low build quality, poor screen build, and little features and storage. However, that's all changed; many of the new Chipods are equipped with sharp LCD displays, mp3 and video playback, cameras, unique and high-quality designs, even NES and Genesis emulation! And now to take things a step further, many Chipod distributors are announcing that all their MP4 players will be equipped with TV receivers by 2008. Tempting, no? ;D

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Turn your GP2x into a full Linux PC!

If you've never heard of the GP2x, I don't blame you; it's a PMP out of Korea that is the true hardcore gamer's device; not only can it play movies and music, but it can emulate nearly every system PSX and down, is Linux-based, and truly the biggest nerd toy you can buy. And now, you can use it as a fully-compatible Linux PC, using the new GP2x commercial interface docking bay! Simply plug the unit into the top of the bay, and you're ready to use your GP2x to play multiplayer through the four USB ports, add keyboards and mice, use A/V-out, even surf the net! I dunno about you, but as a proud GP2x owner, I'm definitely going to take a look at this.


  • Photo courtesy of

    New NiGHTS Photos for Wii

    As many of you already know, Sega is bringing its classic NiGHTS series back from the grave of the Saturn and resurrecting a sequel on the Nintendo Wii. The project was very clandestine until recently, when the first screenshots were released. Well, it seems Sega is tantalizing us even more, because they just put out a new gallery of screens!
  • Classic and new gamers alike, drool, and get out your $5 to put down a preorder.

    Photos courtesy of Kotaku

    Monday, April 23, 2007

    Here goes nothing! :)

    Hey everybody! Welcome to TekkBOMB!, a blog I'll be maintaining covering everything tech! Video games, consumer electronics, new software, the industry in general, and all sorts of stuff. Expect not only news updates, but reviews and opinions on certain aspects of technology, podcasts, and perhaps even the occasional VLog. Now we may stray from the topic of technology at times, because as my good friend Adam Sandler has shown me, if you don't mix it up a bit at times, people start to hate you. So do like the cat says, sit down, and get comfy!